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If you don’t know where you are starting from, meaning body fat, lean muscle mass, weight, or anything that would help you measure progress, how can you know if you are getting close to your destination.



Body composition analysis refers to measuring your body composition, generally known as your body muscle, fat, and water. Instead of focusing on a single number on your scale, body composition analysis allows you to focus on losing body fat and gaining muscle while retaining the proper amount of body water in specific areas of your body. Body composition analysis is the key to tracking and maintaining effective weight loss. Lose weight smarter, healthier, and happier like never before.


We all struggle with body issues from time to time, whether clothes aren’t fitting as well as they used to or the body has gone through changes in recent months. Fortunately, the digital age brings us one of the greatest inventions yet: Fit 3D body scanning. This cutting-edge technology produces 3D replicas of your body so you can track changes over time, and it is available at our luxury medspa.

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