What method do you have to help with financing of cosmetic medical procedures?
Patient Financing Options
With a range of financing options available, you really can afford the G&M Medical Center treatments and services you want. G&M Medical Center & MedSpa offers low monthly payments, in-house financing, or paid-in-full discounts for selected services. There's an option that can work for you and your specific financial needs.
Working with a variety of finance partners, such as Lending USA, GreenSky and others, G&M can offer special promotional financing* and low monthly payments. You won't have to put your health and beauty needs on hold.
Our staff will be glad to speak with you about all of our financing options and assist you in determining what is most appropriate for your needs. In addition, our staff can assist you in the credit application process.
We have made it easy for you to understand the rates you qualify for. You may click on one of the 2 instant options below for an immediate decision. The second option is to inquire for a G&M Medical Center Direct Plan below, with 100% approval.** Fill out the form below and we will respond with your rates within 24 business hours.
*Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See greensky.com or Lendingusa.com for details.
** 100% approval requires 10-20% down at time of service, valid ID, auto withdraw, and 2 forms of payment.
Instant Approval
G&M Medical Center Direct Plan
It is recommended to visit G&M Medical Center for a complimentary treatment consultation. During this time, we will be able to provide you with an exact finance amount as well term options.
If you are seeking finance options ahead of time, you may begin by filling out the form below.
If filling out the below form, a standard $5000 finance amount will be used in order to determine financing options. Upon filling out the primary details below, a member of G&M Medical Center will contact you within 24 business hours to review the remainder of the application.