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Billing: Billing@gmmedicalcenter.com
Phone: 505-415-0719
Fax: 505-372-0093

Medical Weight Loss
Transforming your body. Inspiring your mind.
We are proud to offer a unique blend of expertise and weight-loss solutions for men and women in all stages of life and health.

As a part of his weight reduction therapy program, our weight loss doctor offers thorough medical examinations and takes all of your medical history into account. By doing so, we are better able to diagnose the problem and to determine the best weight reduction plan for you and your body. Prior to providing patients with any medications, we conduct comprehensive evaluations and blood work in order to make sure that the prescriptions are a healthy choice for you and that they won’t cause unwanted side effects and consequences.
To those individuals who have tried for years to lose the weight, our weight loss practice has given real hope. Our program has been proven to work when the rules are followed, and the rules are far easier to abide by than many other available weight loss systems. It’s simple and non-stressful to use, and his patients are constantly amazed by how much weight they are able to lose without the need for invasive, painful surgery.
Patients who are not able to take Phentermine for medical reasons, are often able to get results from a natural weight loss supplement provided by our practice.
Natural weight loss supplements involve the use of a formula that helps to alleviate your cravings and appetite so that you can consume a healthy number of calories (around 1200 a day) while not feeling hungry and unsatisfied. Weight loss supplements and Phentermine can work hand in hand to facilitate quick and healthy weight loss that can be sustained for an extended period of time.

Weight Loss Prescriptions
Our weight loss plan can include a prescription for Phentermine or similar and an easy to follow nutritional guide to help patients reach their weight loss goals. Monthly InBody scans keep track of progress.